Subject is the main category of courses. It is the title and description. The subject does not apply to any semester, it can be used for courses in any semester. (e.g. you do not need to describe the methodology in each course)

Example: If I teach English for beginners 3-5 years old. The Subject will be "English" and the description will be all about what method you teach English. 

The specific course will then be: "for beginners", and the age category 3-5 years. In the Client section, the full name is displayed: it is a combination of Subject and Course

You create a course by going to the Courses section in the Administration, to the Courses module, and using the pencil in the left corner to create a new Course

Display in the client section (offer of courses):

Course detail

- in the client section, the subject description is displayed as a course description, so that it is not confusing for clients.