Pencil icon

You can always find the pencil icon wherever you need to create a new record.

Clicking on the pencil opens a window and you fill in the blanks according to the template.

All red fields are mandatory.

Geared wheel Icon

You can always find the geared wheel icon under the pencil icon.

When you click on the geared wheel, a selection window will always pop up where you can add a new record, edit, delete, reset, etc.

Plus & Minus icons

There are modules on the side, these are hidden in tabs. 

You can expand or collapse the tabs with the plus and minus buttons on the side.

Rotating arrows icon

The rotating arrows icon can be found in the top left area, under the orange bar.

Click on these arrows to refresh your data.

Magnifying glass icon

The magnifying glass always has a blank window next to it. There you type what you are looking for.

We also have a more advanced search system where you can search for users by phone number, email, references, etc. (by clicking on the magnifying glass button)

in this advanced search, it is possible to use filters (in the magnifying glass of the column)

Underlined arrow icon

It is used to download a file for Excel.

Arrow icon

You always find the arrow icon there, where you can hide or show a panel (for example in the module menu) or there, where you can expand or shrink windows.

You can also zoom in and out of windows with the double grey dividing line. Just click on it and move it as needed.

Icons that you see in the top right section of the orange bar:

Question icon

Clicking on the question mark icon will take you to the Webooker support site. There you will find tutorials, tips, as well as a forum where you can post your questions.

American flag icon

You can change your language here - You can choose from Czech, Slovak, German and English

Arrow in a square icon

Use this icon to exit the Administration section.

This will take you to the main page - the client section

X in a white square icon

This icon is used to log out of the system. 

After clicking it, the system will ask you if you really want to log out or cancel the selection.

Three white lines icon

This icon can hide and reveal the menu with the modules menu on the left side. 

This is what the module menu pages look like.

With the modules:

And without the modules: