These settings change how clients view the schedule, the form and type of the schedule and various other options regarding the schedule can be found in the basic system settings. Before changes take place, they need to be saved.
Explanations of these settings:
1,2 - Schedule Time Start & End
Sets the first and last hours that can be shown in the schedule. If Auto time range is enabled, the start & end times of the schedule will be modified.
3 (enabled) - Week long client schedule
A single classroom's schedule is visible for the whole week. What the week long schedule looks like is shown in the picture above.
3 (disabled) + 4 - Day by day view
In the daily calendar, you can see multiple classrooms, the amount of classrooms visible can also be changed. This is what the daily schedule looks like:
5 - Auto time range
Only shows the schedule for times when an event or course is planned. (recommended)
You can compare the two options with the pictures above.
6 - Time scale
Sets the size of each piece of the schedule - the smaller the time amount, the bigger the field of the activity. (we recommend 15 minutes)
You can compare your options with these pictures. 15 and 5 minute scales are shown.
7 - Disable client calendar
The calendar will be 'view only'. Clients will not be able to make excuses, compensations or registrations. (This is for if you do not offer compensation groups)
8 - Show all courses
You can choose if your clients will see all courses or only courses in their group.
9 - Show client calendar
If unchecked, the calendar is hidden from the client.
10 - Capacity in client schedule
You can choose if clients can see how full each given class is. (occupied/of the total capacity)