1. Access into the system
Open the website of your reservation system: https://xxx.webooker.eu
(replace „xxx“ with the name of your system, in this demo, we use the name „systemdemo“).
Click the "Sign up" button in the top bar.
You can sign up from many points of the system. For example when you are selecting a course or event.
2. Create your login details
- The password must have at least 8 characters and must include:
- a capital letter
- a lowercase letter
- a number
2. Click "Next"
3. Verifying your email address
1. You will receive an authorization code in your email.- The authorization code is valid for 15 minutes
- Copy the authorization code and enter it into the system.
2. You will receive an email with an authorization code, copy this into the system and click "next". The code is valid for 15 minutes. The email will look like this:
to complete the registration to the system System Demo, it is necessary to verify that you are the owner of the email account: system.demo@webooker.eu
The authorization code for email verification is: GT2EY0
If you did not register to the system System Demo, you can ignore this email.
Best regards
System Demo
This is an automatically generated message from the registration system webooker.eu
Do not reply to this email! You can use the address: petra.brabcova@aperus.eu
You can log in to the registration system at https://systemdemo.webooker.eu
Your login details will work with any Webooker system. However, system permissions differ in every system, such as user, student, and contact settings.
After verifying your email address, continue with the registration process.
Beware that in each user profile, an organization can require different personal information (birth number, state of health, Nationality)
You can learn how to enter these details into your account *here*
1. Fill out your information in the User tab, and click "Next"
2. In the section Second contact, fill out all mandatory fields to continue. This section may not be required or present at all. It is based on the organization responsible for the page.
3. In the Student section, fill out the fields regarding them. You can also add a picture of them.
Everyone attending the course, preschool, or event is considered a student. Into this section, add all of your children, and yourself if you wish to attend with them, with the "+ Add student" button. If you are only accompanying them, you do not need to fill yourself in.
After filling in all the mandatory tabs (with a star and red), click continue.
You are now registered in the system
In the initial step, upon entering your email address, the system may already recognize your email from a different organization or, because you were added by an admin. You will see this message:
This email is already in use by another account. If this address is your email, try to sign-in.
If you know your login details, try logging in. If you do not remember, click "Sign in", and click "Forgotten password".