Each user has an account in the webooker system. You can access your account from the home page. If you are signed in, click on your name in the top right corner.
A menu will appear, and at the very bottom, press the Personal section button
Select My account
In each account, a user can edit their personal information.
1. Submenu "User account" Contains the user's basic information.
2. Submenu "Students" - A list of all the people who visit courses, events, preschools, etc.
A guardian fills in their children's information, as well as their own, if they will be attending with their children.
Each organization can require different information.
3. Submenu "Second contact"
In most cases, the second parent, or a grandparent. They will receive the same information and notifications as you.
4. Submenu "Due payments"
Shows all your invoices requiring attention. Green means an overpayment, red means overdue arrears, and black means arrears not yet due.
5. Submenu "Documents"
Here you can find all your invoice history.
- Invoices can be downloaded and printed by pressing the Detail button at the bottom of the page
- Some organizations allow online payments. If your organization enables it, you will see an orange button PAY at the end of the page.