How to set up a survey

Go to administration - Surveys - Satisfaction survey. Here, you can make your survey. Click on the pencil in the top left corner of the survey window. A menu will appear. 

Here, enter the name of your survey. You can select if this is the survey that you want to automatically send at the end of each course or event. You can only have 1 default survey. Below that, you can make the survey active, it will not be sent out until it is marked as Active. If a client does not answer the survey, you can set how many times the request to answer the survey will be sent. The maximum times it can be sent is 3. In the description space, you can make a brief explanation of the survey. The red fields are mandatory and the survey cannot be made without them.

Now you can click the Questions tab. You can choose from 3 question types, True or False, a range of 1 - 5, or a text box for a written response. Add a question with the Add otázku button. For each question, you can allow a field for a brief text response - a note. You can also select the weight of each question. This determines the importance of a question and it will be reflected in the survey's results. At the bottom of the survey, there is a sum of how many questions you have. Now press the save button to finish creating your survey. You can edit it later at any time.

You can make different surveys for different courses and events. Follow the same process as we did here.

How does the satisfaction survey work?

For each course or event, you can choose what survey will be sent (later in this guide, we will show you how). If no survey is selected, the default survey (if active) will be selected automatically. The survey will be sent at the end of each event, or the second to last hour of a course. In the case of a course, it will only be sent to participants with an attendance of at least 50%. Your clients can answer the survey directly from their email, and even on their phone. Their responses will be saved to the system.

Sending surveys retroactively

If you assign a survey to a course or event after it has ended, the system will look back 20 days for the selected course. If a course matches this description (finished 20> days ago and is the selected course), it will send requests to fill out the survey.

Assigning a survey to an event

Go to the One-off events module and click One-off events. Select an event, click options and edit., Go to setting. Here, add your survey. You can do this as well when creating the one-off event.

Assigning a survey to a course

Go to the Courses module, click Courses, and select a specific course. Click options and edit. At the bottom of the Setting tab, select a survey that will be sent out to students in that course. You can also do this directly when creating a new course.

This is an example of a request to fill out survey email. After clicking the link, they’ll complete the survey. The survey layout is mobile-friendly and easy to fill out on tablets and phones.

You can edit this email in the Messaging module, Email templates, survey request.


thank you for the participation of the student Elizabeth McClain in the course/event Exercise for children (Tuesday 10:00).

We would like to ask you to fill out a short survey that will help us improve our services.

Your opinion is very important to us!

You can access the survey by clicking on the following link:

Best regards

This is an automatically generated message from the registration system
Do not reply to this email! You can use the address:
You can log in to the registration system at

This is what the survey will look like:

On Mobile:

On a computer:

Survey Evaluation

Survey results are stored under the Responses tab for each survey in Administration. View responses by clicking the gear icon next to a selected student and choosing View answers. You can also export survey responses to a Excel sheet.