A user is a person who works with the system (mostly a mother, an administrator or a teacher). You create a new user in the Users section of the Users module with a pencil in the upper left corner. The user can also create an account himself, more in the registration instructions and my account


In the search field, you can search in the list, for example, by part of words, email or phone number. If you click directly on the magnifying glass, you will see the filters above the individual columns. Then when you click directly on the magnifying glass, you will be presented with search formulas.

In the upper part of the table there is a list of users, in the lower part there is a detail and on the next tab the user's students.

You can move the bar marked in the image to enlarge or reduce the preview field.

In the lower left corner there is a button for exporting data to Excel

Click on the pencil to add a new user and fill in the User account tab

- fill in your first and last name, e-mail, phone

- select a role from the menu.  Roles are rights to work with the system. Parents are users (they only see the client part) and you are the administrator (they get to the administrative part and have access to all functions and data, the teacher sees them attending courses where they teach). More in in the user role manual

Continue on the next tab Contact details:

You can set the Contact data and Secondary contact fields as needed in the System - Settings - Settings section

- fill in the contact information and continue to the Secondary contact tab

Last tab Additional

Block account - if you say yes, the system will immediately log the user out and he will no longer have access to the system.  Contact by e-mail - if you do not allow contact by e-mail, the client will not receive any e-mail from the system (not even the password, if he forgets it).

After filling in the data, you have 2 options:

1. Save - means that the system will only write the new user into the table. An access account is not created, no duplicates are checked, and the user is not even notified about the creation of an account. (it's an internal record)

2. Send login data - the system checks for duplicates, creates an access account for login, sends an e-mail about it to the client.  (you can edit the email text)


You can also find the following functions on the cogwheel in users:

We explain the option to send credentials to everyone and send credentials to all newcomers here