In the Settings section you will find Compensation groups. Compensation groups are used to divide courses into groups in which your clients will be able to draw reimbursements.

You can name the groups as you like (e.g. by age, focus or even by price).

You add a new Compensation group with a pencil. You fill in the name and for your information you can also give a description.

Default - will be pre-filled when creating the course and you can change it to another

Active - means it will be offered to you when creating courses. If you no longer want to use the group, just mark it as inactive

In the courses section, when creating a course, you choose which group you want the course to belong to. Users will then be able to choose replacements only within this group

Accept Compensation from: You select rCompensation groups from which students can come to the currently created course for replacement.

The system allows clients to apply for compensation only within their Compensation group and for courses where they are set to receive rcompensations from their compensation group.

Attendance teachers see the course from each student's Compensation group in black.  If the Compensation group is in red, it means that the teacher is enrolling the student in another Compensation group.